National UFO Reporting Center - June 95 Reports

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6/1/95 4:00 Carson City, NV Man (frmr. mil. pilot) looks SW from bathroom window, sees 5-6 bright objs. in cluster, "like galaxy of stars." Neighbor sees same.
6/2/95 20:12 Hillsboro, OR Man repts. "huge" flaming obj. w/ enormous flaming tail descend at 60 deg. below horizontal. Obj. appeared to burn out.
6/3/95 3:00 Gardendale, LA Woman repts. witnessing 5 strange ships. One very large, at "treetop level." One appeared to be in trouble. Witnesses reptd.
6/3/95 22:12 Marysville, WA Exper. UFO investigator, husband, driving S on I-5 witness prominent "red ball." Obj. splits, white light appears. Both wink out.
6/3/95 23:30 Olympia, WA MUFON/WA member reports brief TV news report re "Project Dark Star," a mil. proj. re "disc shaped craft" under development.
6/3/95 23:53 Goldsboro, NC Man repts. two sightings minutes apart. Sees very bright light, "like meteor," streaking to NE. Sees minutes later going SE.
6/4/95 Addison, TX Man repts. extremely bizarre obj. streaking across sky. No visible wings, or means of propulsion.
6/6/95 21:45 Oroville, CA Woman's voice repts. 4 objects over home in rural area. (Facts unclear--no return call; phone disconnected 2 days later.)
6/7/95 21:00 Albany, CA Man observes bizarre, rectangular obj. "w/ barber poles w/ bulbs on the ends" sticking out of opposite ends.
6/8/95 23:45 Fresno, CA Two calls in rapid sequence regarding multiple objects streaking north (?) over city. (Sincere repts., no follow-up written repts.)
6/9/95 0:10 Fontana, CA Man witnesses 2 lights 15 deg. apart in SE sky. Orange color, round when viewed with binoculars. Police rept. no other calls.
6/9/95 21:53 Arlington, WA Husband, wife, and child witness a bizarre, conical-shaped obj., white w/ tinge of green, move across sky. "Bigger than moon."
6/10/95 18:00 El Paso, TX Man & wife, 2 hours' drive W of El Paso on Hwy 10, witness black, round object just above ground. Obj. rises, goes behind hill!
6/10/95 23:20 Glade Spring, VA Woman, children, and grandmother witness 4 bizarre, bright green "stars" hovering nearby. Suddenly got brighter, streak off.
6/11/95 Seattle, WA Anonymous caller repts. sighting 4 ufo's in NNE sky, 45 deg. above horizon. (No other facts reptd. No return tel. #.)
6/11/95 Cleburne, TX Prof. photographer & nearby golfers witness bizarre, cigar-shaped obj., w/ metallic appearance, in sky. 5 min. of video.
6/11/95 Sharon, MA Man witnessed "tablet shaped obj., like stubby aspirin," with dull, metallic surface, descend, follow military jets. Good rept.
6/11/95 17:15 Tacoma, WA 3 adults witness "white balloon" to south. Then witness 3 triangular-shaped objects nearby. They slowly drift into clouds.
6/11/95 19:20 Modesto, CA Young man & girlfriend, returning from hike, witness bright, white light in western sky. It flashed, then simply "winked out."
6/11/95 19:30 Farmington, UT FAA Controller calls to relay sighting report of "shiny, round object" witnessed on 11JN95 over Ogden, UT.
6/11/95 19:30 Ogden, UT Golfer observes round, silver-gray obj. size of small car moving across face of mtn. Flies up 3 ravines, ascends, disappears.
6/11/95 22:00 Fairfield, CA Family of 3 driving home on Rte. 680 observe bright purple flash overhead, that "lit up half the sky." (Ed: Probable elect. arc.)
6/11/95 23:00 Downey, CA Man reports very bright body just below the moon. (Possible planet?)
6/11/95 23:50 Puyallup, WA Man reports bright object "at 7 o'clock position" from moon. (Possible planet?)
6/12/95 Wichita, KS Man calls on behalf of person, who has had possible involvement w/ strange creatures. Directed to investigators.
6/12/95 0:15 San Francisco, CA Man reports bright object "at 7 o'clock position from moon." (Possible planet?)
6/12/95 23:26 Ft. Wayne, IN Man reports "bright object with flashing color" in southern sky. (Possible planet?)
6/13/95 21:25 Tulare, CA Woman repts. strange obj. w/ 3 bright red "laser-like" lights, which flickered in irregular pattern. Called local police, FAA.
6/14/95 1:35 Ann Arbor, MI Woman & friend witness "green ball of light" streak across sky, descend below overcast, & stop. Hovered, streaked off. Good rept.
6/14/95 21:40 Miami, FL Two young men witness a round, "cloudy white obj., 5 times diameter of brightest star," move from E to W overhead.
6/17/95 Toledo, OH Woman concerned by 4 indentations and burn mark on blacktop patio. (CUFOS investigates. Prob. due to deck chairs.)
6/18/95 21:45 Fall River, MA Two men driving on Rte. 195 witness bizarre obj. hover overhead. Brightly lighted, "size of DC-9 w/ 60 deg. sweep to wings."
6/19/95 22:00 Adair Co., IA 2 young men experience multiple sightings of bizarre, bright obj., which hover, streak, & land. Very bizarre; good report.
6/19/95 23:45 Cottonwood, CA Two boys report witnessing 2 bizarre yellowish-white objects fly overhead. Reported to local sheriff's office.
6/21/95 0:56 Cameron, MO Emer. crew w/ police witness bright obj. streak overhead, descend. Pursue on foot. 3 youth exp. obj. very close. Exclnt rept.
6/21/95 21:30 Oregon City, OR Couple witness multiple round, or oblong, lights in night sky. Positioned in circle. Seen to move south to north, then reverse course.
6/22/95 13:30 Raton, NM Two men installing TV dish witness strange obj. in clear sky. No visible wings, exhaust; silent. Very good view. Obj. drifted off.
6/23/95 0:01 Monroe, WA Two family members witness "red ball" fly across sky. Felt vibrations.
6/24/95 0:10 Kirkland, WA Young boy repts. witnessing strange light overhead at his residence. (Facts unclear; no follow-up rept.)
6/24/95 14:30 Snoqualmie, WA Young man driving E on I-90 witnesses streamlined, delta-shaped obj. streak across clear, blue sky. Excellent rept.
6/24/95 21:52 Florence, AL Man & son witness "round, green object, like circle inside circle" streak across sky, disappear. Very clear view. Good rept..
6/24/95 22:30 Farmingdale, NY Young man & wife see blue flash, then small disc hovering over their truck, but below overcast. Pursued it on foot. Good rept.
6/24/95 22:45 Sibley Co., MN Older woman alerted by barking dogs. Sees multiple bizarre, bright, colored spheres floating across farmyard. 2nd sighting.
6/25/95 Portland, OR Man reports seeing bizarre sighting while aboard Flight #725 enroute from Denver to Portland.
6/25/95 16:22 Tumwater, WA Five young adults witness strange "point of light" in clear, blue sky. Moves slowly. Obj. responds to flashes w/ mirror. Good rept.
6/25/95 19:00 Batesburg, SC Young man witnesses "very shiny obj., like egg" in N sky. Very bright, silver light. (Former mil., very familiar w/ aircraft.)
6/25/95 19:30 Hastings on Hudson, NY Woman witnesses dark, round obj. overhead w/ "flailing appendages." Moved slowly across sky. Seemed to follow her.
6/25/95 22:45 Sioux Falls, SD UFO investigator relays rept.: his son and other children rept. witnessing 4-5 red objs. 4 miles W of city. Two objs. seen to land.
6/27/95 12:00 Cherry Hill, NJ Dentist witnesses small black dot very high in sky. Accelerates (against wind), streaks out of sight. Other witnesses.
6/27/95 21:30 Endicott, NY Man, driving down long driveway, sees bright light directed at his house. Witnesses bright light in sky. Obj. streaks off.
6/28/95 21:45 New Providence, NJ Dentist witnesses large craft w/ 15-20 windows or lights. Light beamed at ground; whooshing sound. Excellentt report.
6/28/95 22:20 Irving, TX Man driving S to Oakville sees obj. w/ tiny lights on bottom, flashing light on top moving N, suddenly reverse course. Good rept.
6/28/95 22:25 Tacoma, WA Man repts. two white lights, "like a star," move overhead to SE, fade from sight. Same thing next night. (Possible satellites??)
6/28/95 23:00 Lisbon, ME Young man looking out window sees very bright "star" drifting slowly across sky. Calls police. Two witnesses.
6/29/95 Klamath Falls, OR Man repts. bright obj. overhead, "brighter than Jupiter." Moves slowly to SE, enters haze at 15' K, disappears from view.
6/30/95 Pt. Angeles, WA Man repts. multiple sightings of up to 10 bright objects streaking overhead during 26-30JN95. Very bright, solid lights "like stars."